Eric/Sookie relationship

"Sookie, my little bullet-sucker."
"Eric, my big bullshitter."

在Dead until Dark中, Sookie初次遇見Eric的那一晚

"The Vampire over there is handsome; he has scanned you twice."
Sookie心想, " The Vampire he'd indicated was handsome, in fact, radiant; blond and blue-eyed, tall and broad shouldered. He was wearing boots, jeans, and a vest. Period. Kind of like the guyes on the cover of romance books. He scared me to death. "

Sookie與Eric初次見面就被吸引, 因為不認同Eric傲慢的態度而疏遠
Sookie無法讀取吸血鬼的想法, 相處更顯安心自在
接著才會在感到無比孤獨, 渴望愛的時刻, 投入Bill的懷抱. 其實在原著中這一切都發生的非常自然
對Sookie而言, 與吸血鬼交往是讓她逃避現實的方法, 所以只要是吸血鬼都OK?

Sookie與Bill交往後爭吵不斷, Bill讓Sookie覺得自己是Kept woman
無法自己作主, 需要Bill的"保護"
她讓他覺得自己像人類, 其實Bill另有苦衷, 與Sookie交往完全是吸血鬼女王的旨意
Bill其實並不了解Sookie, 他試著對她好, 卻不明白她真正需要什麼

然而Eric與Sookie每次見面都能激盪出火花, 連Sookie都說只有Eric got her (mind)

Eric不需要讀心術, 總是能察覺到Sookie的情緒, 觀察到Sookie/Bill關係的細微變化

在第一部的結尾, 會飛的Eric在深夜中, 出現在Sookie的病房窗外
他凝望著Sookie, 讓她知道 " he is right there for her"
恐怕連他自己也不知道, 為何對Sookie感到興趣
因為after 1000 years, it's hard to be impressed, 這女人令他感到好奇

我特別喜歡的Eric/Sookie moments

- Eric is a good listener. 他很有耐心, 總是靜靜聆聽Sookie的想法, 聽Sookie說發生的事情

- 他總是能逗Sookie開心, 開Sookie的玩笑, 他懂得Sookie的笑點

- 無論Eric與Sookie共同經歷了許多事, 關係如何進展, 這其中Sookie還交了其他男友, Eric總是對她很溫柔, 等待她投入他的懷抱

Eric很有自信, 他對自己的自信, 也或許是生活的歷練, 讓他不會為了芝麻小事與Sookie爭吵
他總是說總有一天我們會把話說清楚, 但不是現在; 這也顯示了他們之間的信任
或許至少到前9部小說, Eric都還是這段關係的主導者吧?
Sookie也知道只要說清楚了, 她就永遠無法離開Eric的掌握...

Eric從第一次見面就開始守護著Sookie, 如果只是為了她的天賦
then he is into her too much!
Living Dead in Dalllas 的危急關頭,
是Eric在Sookie的身邊保護她, 為她擋子彈;
(這時候Bill根本忘記Sookie, 只忙著殺敵)

Club Dead, 在她流淚的時候, 是Eric幫她脫衣洗臉蓋被 (或許為了脫衣的成份多些??哈哈!)
當她受傷的時候, Eric 冒著曝露身分的危險, 挺身而出守護她, 以致於Sookie醒來後說
" Thank you, Eric"
" For what? "
" For standing by me in the club, For coming here with me.
For not leaving me alone with all these people."

Dead as a doornail, 當她遭受槍擊的時候, 她第一個想到的是打電話給Eric

All Together Dead, 吸血鬼女王侍衛Andrea威脅Sookie, 是Eric現身救了她
在Sookie莫名其妙遭受炸彈威脅時, 是Eric出現表示願意為她而 死

太多太多時刻了, 難怪Eric在Dead as a doornail中說
"And now someone else has shot at you and I wasn't there to take the bullet...
You must be living wrong...."

不知不覺中, Eric早已變成Sookie的守護者!

最不可思議的是, 在Sookie/Bill關係中, Sookie總是等待Bill來救她
而在Eric/Sookie的關係中, 他們彼此守護
Eric視Sookie為戰士, a fighter, 他讚揚Sookie的勇敢與堅強
而Sookie也激發出Eric美好的一面, 更人性化的特質
在第四部中, Eric深夜裡失去記憶, 出現在Sookie家附近, 正是因為女巫的詛咒
讓Eric出現在他最重視, 最真實, 最靠近他心所在的地方!!
這點Eric也在後面的集數中告訴了Sookie, Sookie聽了之後不知所措

"I know you may come to hate me because I spared you the bit of Andrea,"
"But I really am the lesser of two evils."
"I know that."

Eric對Sookie來說是很重要的存在, 雖然她在第四部前還不明白哪是什麼
她多次出手救他, 甚至在all together dead中
旅館即將爆炸時, Sookie第一個想到的是衝去Eric的房間救他與Pam
Sookie甩了Eric幾巴掌都醒不來, 他是聽到了Sookie的求救尖叫聲才驚醒

也就是從這一刻開始, 我才突然發覺Sookie是真的很喜歡Eric而不自知
這一點, Eric早就在hot shower scene 中知道了!!

"Did I love you?" I knew Eric wasn't going to give up.
and I might as well figure out an answer." Maybe. Sort of.
But I knew all along that whoever was with me, it wasn't the real you. And I knew sooner or later you 'd remember who you were and what you were. "
"You don't seem to have yes or no answers about men," he said.
"You don't exactly seem to know how you feel about me, either." I said

難怪許多書迷都認為, They were meant to be together!

在第九部Dead and gone, Eric 告訴 Sookie的Grandpa
" Fairy, I leave cleaning this place to you,"
" Your great -granddaughter is my woman, mine and mine alone.
I'll take her to her home."

許多書迷都在猜, 也許是Grandpa已經默認了Eric/Sookie

這一切的伏筆, CH早在第一部就開始鋪陳
True Blood中緩慢的進展才是令廣大書迷驚訝的地方

"The Vampire is not a bad man, and he loves you."

是指Eric嗎? 天哪~~~真是吊足胃口.

We all hope it's Eric.


Julia 提到...

真是詳盡的分析解說阿 great job!

午夜 提到...

Thanks. Julia!

當時一口氣看到第8部, 一直很想寫, 擔心影響看TB第一季的感覺...又替TB中Eric的戲份這麼少而著急, 我想看完這篇的人都能體會書迷在TB第一季的感受...

你與我當初的想法類似, 我寫原著的文章時, 不想放TB的圖...希望在文字中保有更多想像的空間...

Diane 提到...



最近剛瀏覽完Definitely Dead,可是並沒看到妳提到的這段情節‟吸血鬼女王侍衛Andrea威脅Sookie,是Eric現身救了她,在Sookie莫名其妙遭受炸彈威脅時,是Eric出現表示願意為她而死.”請問是否能指點我在哪個章節了,多謝!

午夜 提到...

Sorry! 我書名寫錯了, 是All Together Dead! 加油, 多看一本就看到了, p175, p195


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