Alexander的七個簡單問題: 我容易對什麼生氣: 心胸狹隘的人 我覺得好笑的是: 喜劇演員 Mitch Hedberg 如何讓我跳舞: 這個簡單 – 先灌醉我再說. 從父母那得到的最佳建議: “Do what you want”. 喜愛的Designer: Rick Owens. 喜愛的LA時光: 隨意閒逛rock bars and places with jukeboxes. 一個完美的週五夜晚可以是: 我來到市中心的The Smell, 聆聽obscure industry rock. 然後回家, 與我的家人一起享受夜泳.
Alexanders ipod音樂: The Chameleons: “80s年代早期的英國樂團, 類似The Smiths and Joy Division”. Marianne Faithfull: 她的早期音樂, 例如“Broken English”. 你可以聽出她人生的滄桑 Jussi Björling: What a fucking hero! 他擁有如此不可思議的歌喉, 獨特, 富有情感 Wolf Parade and Arcade Fire.
重點太多啦~ a. 預告中有一名金髮吸血鬼被抓住, 用銀鍊綁在The fellowship of the sun群眾前, 是Eric嗎? b. Eric在Sookie耳邊說 " Trust me." c. Egg與Tara眼睛都變黑色了, 就像是Supernatural中惡魔的眼睛一樣 d. Sookie赤裸上身躺在床上, 身後有一個疑似金髮的男子臉被遮住, 手背輕輕撫摸著Sookie的手臂, 是誰啊???Bill可是棕髮, 但若是Eric那又太早出現了, We rather hope it's not Eric! e. Maryan原來是Maenad! (continue...)
現年57歲的爸爸Stellan, 親自在網路上搜尋發現這個結果, 他也欣然接受 " I am glad that the children are gifted. Otherwise it would have been very tragic, " 我很開心孩子們都很有天分, 不然就太可惜了."
Stellan Skarsgård在瑞典街上漫步時就像一般的男人一樣普通, 也許會有美國影迷大叫 "Oh my god! I love "Good Will Hunting"! 下一個反應就是, 糟, 無法叫出Skarsgård的發音, (上次TMZ好像也開這個玩笑, 其實沒有這樣難發音啦) " That you do not need to be known to get. There you can get by every person who meets you." 只要你成功了, 影迷自然就會記得你了. Skarsgård家族也證明了這點. 大兒子Alexander 與次子Gustaf現在都是傑出的演員 "We rank us, who is best at the moment. Ha, ha. But I have seen that Alexander had on me. On IMDb Pro are "Star Meter" which shows the number of searches for you in the whole world. He lies before me now. But I do not give up. "
擁有這樣傑出的孩子有什麼感覺? " I am glad that they are talented. Otherwise it would have been very sad because I throw a pretty hefty kind shadow they leave. But I have always shit in what they have chosen for occupation. The only thing I care about is to match the times and are good people." Stellan爸爸表示很開心他們都很有天分, 如果不是的話就太遺憾了,因為他早年離家工作, 常年不在家, 帶給他們很大的陰影 (這點Alexander也在訪談中提到過). 但他總是在關注著他們. 只在意他們是否可以做出更天時地利人和的選擇."
Declined to roles Stellan Skarsgård這個名字已經代表了好萊塢的頂點, 他今年在天使與魔鬼中演出配角commandant Richter, 完全是衝著director Ron Howard and actors Tom Hanks and Ewan McGregor.這樣的堅強卡司製作加入 " I have rejected many roles. I am not so career conscious, but just trying to have fun. "
Stellan完全是靠著興趣維繫著工作的熱誠, 這也解釋了為何他在短短十年間竟然有四十電影作品.
你是如何作到的?你剛新婚, 小兒子剛出生, 如何兼顧事業與家庭? " Now you get in on something that I do not talk about. But not all small children, I try to take with me, as long as school puts an end. But it is clear that there are compromises in one's life. "
"More at home than away" " I know why I work so much - that I like so well in a filmset. But it looks more than what it is. I've looked at my itinerary for the last few years, and I am actually more at home than away. Now I enjoy the English summer for a while. I will cook for all my children, take it easy and read a little script."
A site dedicated to Alexander Skarsgård. The name came from the stars in the desert at night. Wherever we are, the obsession with Alexander is like the stars lighting the way home.