True Blood 第3季: Trailer #1

今早試了一個link, 結果連不上, 還好晚上這個連結ok. 登場了~ True Blood第三季正式預告篇!

據說這個預告很聰明, 是在Vampire Diaries本季最後一集中插播, 想必吸引了不少各年齡層的觀眾.

預告一次介紹了許多角色, 尤其是Alcide鏡頭太長了吧? 其實他這個被Sookie發了好人卡的角色挺重要, 一直到dead in the family都活的好好的. 算是取代了之前Sam那個隨傳隨到忠心耿耿的戲份.....

Jessica這條劇情線永遠充滿驚奇, 正因為書中沒有, 所以大家可以期待她會做出什麼有趣的事來, 而她在短短數分鐘的minisode中展露的演技令人驚訝, 清新而不老套.

爆點自然是Sookie素著一張臉引誘Eric那幕, 那是怎麼回事! 請注意, Sookie的手竟然能勾到Eric的脖子, Anna可能有靠肥皂箱幫忙...
Eric一臉驚訝, 反應一點都不像他.

Alan Ball你好狠, 發出這種預告, 大家非得乖乖等著收看不可!



Harumi 提到...



Teresa 提到...

Thx for the sharing 午夜大人 ^^ Watched this trailer five times...xd Eric & Sookie scene is awesome~ can't wait for June 13th ~o~

P.S. I have finished DITF, will start reading it second time today

午夜 提到...

沒錯! 我剛貼了No. 2預告片喔~

You're welcome! True Blood is going to be amazing this season, though I'll be on business in Europe then, I'll surely update the news of the season premiere! What do you think about DITF?

Teresa 提到...

you're going to europe? will you go to stockholms? coz Alex is there right now~^^ (
Well, about the DITF, I guess I'm pretty pleaased with the book althought their's not much big issue this time. But the sweetest thing is Eric/Sookie finally moving into their love relationship, plus Eirc is so concern about her. And for Bill, I feel pity on him coz I understand he's still truely in love with Sookie even though she's not him anymore. I can understand his feelings "no matter what you do, you still can't change the result"
Anyway, I look forward on her next book^^

匿名 提到...



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