True Blood: 第3季對白預告!

True Blood第三季來勢洶洶! 現推出對白聲音檔的預告片! 據說下週將有畫面版的預告喔!

這聲音......應該是Tara, Sookie, Eric, Sam與Magister? 最後一個我不太確定, 有人聽得出來嗎?

" What you want from Sookie? "

" Don't underestimate me. "

" Don't underestimate yourself."

"I don't appreciate you trying to get me killed."

" This kind of moral anarchy can not be allowed."


Val 提到...

I think Sam(if that's him) said: "I appreciate you trying to get me killed."

The last one sounds like James Frain, although I seriouly doubt his character(Franklin Mott) would say something like that....

午夜 提到...


Thanks for that line. I did think it's Franklin at first...perhaps we'll find out next week from the premiere trailer!


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