A Pink Fuzzy Dream Covered In Sweet Chocolate

前陣子Michael說的那句話, 令我想起了Alexander Skarsgård is a dessert man 這件事....

還有他自己說過的, 這段關於甜美巧克力粉紅綺夢的故事~展現他自我解嘲的幽默感...

"A Pink Fuzzy Dream Covered In Sweet Chocolate…"

這是SN.tk與Alexander Skarsgård做過的問答, 典故是在Bajen迷網站的Christmas Calendar活動, 球迷可以留言在網站上. 當時Alexander Skarsgård寫說他遇見了很有名的前Hammarby球員Jonas Stark......Alex聊到了遇見Jonas的感覺....

Q: 身為Alexander Skarsgård, 遇見 Jonas Stark的感覺如何?
AS: 就像甜美巧克力的粉紅色綺夢 (a pink fuzzy dream covered in sweet chocolate).

Christmas calendar: Part 12 of 24


我們來到了今年Christmas Calender 的第12號櫥窗. 今天的Christmas卡片是摯愛的演員與來自“söderkis” [Söder bloke] Alexander Skarsgård.


昨天我在Kvarnen遇見Jonas Stark. 多年前我們見過幾次面, 而現在, 我卻像個13歲的小男孩墜入情網般緊張又結巴.

- Hi Jonas!
-Tja. (Hi)
-Cool to see you.
-You too Alex.
-So damned cool to see you again. Västerås huh? Cratz and Markan? What a thing… (譯註: Västerås是離Sotckholm約100km的城市, Jonas住在那)

我喝了一大口啤酒, 壯壯膽, 然後單刀直入地問了.... (以下原文太好笑, 決定保留...)

-I just have to ask, how does it feel?
- What?
- To be Jonas Stark, how the hell does it feel? Do you understand what you’ve meant to me? And still do? What you have done for Bajen, you’ve done, if you understand. And I still love you for it.
- Okay. Thanks…
- Of course! Do you remember the jump head goal on Söderstadion, when you fought your way in head first among a thousand fat back player thighs?
- Yes
- It was fantastic. Symbolized somehow life to many fans. Head first. No doubt. All for Bajen. Do you still go down and check out Bajen now?
- Not really. I`m not really interested in football, believe it or not. Like theater and music. Went to see you on Södra theater last winter. What did it feel like to play Albee?
- It was fine. But damned Jonas, don’t you have the best job in the world anyway? What was the difference between Cratz and Linderoth? Did you like it in Denmark? Is it true that Eskil and Jo Waldner slept in the bushes outside Bern’s a couple of years ago?

對話就像這樣持續著, 直到我們在10分鐘後拿到外套離開. 我大概表現得像個討人厭的傢伙. 或許當時我明白這點, 但我就是停不下來. 有太多我想知道的. 真的無比好奇. 難道他沒有發現他真的備受喜愛與崇拜嗎? 我必須要再說一次...黑夜裡我們走在Tjärhovsgatan.

-Are you going home to Västerås tonight or?
-No, I`ll sleep at Jensa’s here on Söder
-Do you promise to kiss his left foot before you go to sleep. And tell it that I love it….really
-Okay. Take care, Alex
-You know it, Jonas!


Jonas. 我很抱歉. 希望你了解我所說的這些問題與回應都是充滿了愛意與無盡的尊崇呀~

Have a wonderful Christmas and good luck with the family, football and studying in Västerås. I wish you all the best. 話又說回來, 身為 Jonas Stark的感覺究竟是如何?

~ Alexander Skarsgård



歲末年終的假期, 想必有很多人心想, 最棒的禮物就是Alexander Skarsgård!

看來我們終於明白, 為何每次Alex面對他的影迷們, 都這麼友善禮貌, 而且總是花很多時間與她們打招呼, 看著她們如此興奮緊張又必須假裝很冷靜地跟他說話......或許他心中想到的是對Jonas Stark滿滿的愛意呀~


噢, 光是想像身高194, 看起來冷靜成熟的Alex, 卻緊張到語無倫次, 面對超級熱情的Alex, 又必須假裝很冷靜的Jonas Stark, 這種畫面光是想像就讓人笑到肚子痛, 而後來當Alex形容看到Jonas的反應宛如甜美巧克力的粉紅色綺夢, 不曉得Jonas 的反應又是如何? 可能從椅子上跌下來了吧?



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