Alexander Skarsgård想和科恩兄弟合作...

來自冷冽的Stockholm, 給熱到發燙的Los Angeles....還有我們...

一段“Onyanserat”與Alexander Skarsgård的最新訪問.

"Onyanserat" vs. Alexander Skarsgård.

How are you?
-I’m fine, thank you.
-還不賴, 謝謝.

What is a typical day in your life like?
-I get up, drink my tea, read “DN” on the net, go to work, come home, have dinner and go over next day scenes
-我起床, 喝茶, 讀網路上的"DN" (譯註瑞典報紙), 去上班, 回家, 用晚餐, 然後準備一下隔天的戲 (譯註:挺像平凡的上班族)

What are you doing this spring?
-Shooting season 3 of True Blood.
-拍攝第三季的True Blood.

I ran into an American exchange student a few months ago and he told me he had two wishes in his life. One was that he would find his dream woman and the other was that Eric the Viking King would get his own series. Would you consider doing a spin-off if it was offered to you?
-I think Eric the Viking King would be a brillaint sitcom. Probably set in a high school environment. Kind of like an updated version of Fresh Prince.
數月前我遇到一個美國交換學生, 他告訴我他一生中有兩個願望, 一個是尋找到夢中情人, 另一個是希望維京國王Eric能擁有他自己的影集. 如果有機會, 你會想作嗎?
-我想維京國王Eric會是個很棒的喜劇. 或許可以將場景拉到高中校園. 有點像是更新版的Fresh Prince.

What part has meant the most for you, except the obvious one as Survivor Micke in the Dog Trick?
-The part of Brad Colbert in Generation Kill probably is second on that list after Survivor Micke.
對你來說最意義非凡的角色, 除了很明顯的Dog Trick中的生還者Micke?
- 或許排在Survivor Micke後的, 是Generation Kill中的Brad Colbert一角.

Do you get a lot of offers from Sweden?
-No, not really.
-不, 並沒有.

What is the main difference between Swedish and American movie sets?
-The hierarchy is more evident in the USA.
- 在美國階級分工很細.

A couple of fast ones: 一些關於Alex的事 (這或許是最新版...)
Movie: A Prophet 最近喜愛的電影是大獄言家
Actor: Jeff Bridges did deserve winning that Oscar this year. 傑夫布里吉今年贏得奧斯卡實至名歸.
Director: Would love to work with the Cohen brothers 很想與科恩兄弟合作.
Line: They pissed on my fuckin rug ( The Big Lebowski)
(譯註, 這是科恩兄弟電影中的經典台詞, they peed on your fuckin rug, 老實說這不是我的領域, 基本上看這部片不需要知道劇情大綱)
Tagline: When you deal a fast shuffle…Love is in the cards. (The Lady Eve) (譯註: 經典中的經典...)
Tv: The Colbert Report (譯註: 冷嘲熱諷的電視節目)
TV host: Bill Moyers

For a 10 million paycheck you would do the part of? Myself.
為了1千萬美金的薪水, 你願意演誰? 我自己

Most underrated actor of all times? Woody Harrelson.
一直以來最被低估的演員? 伍迪哈里遜.

Thank you Alex for taking time.
-Don’t mention it!
Alex, 謝謝你撥空受訪.
- 不用客氣!

Is it ok if I email you some crazy ideas for Dog Trick - the sequel?
-DO IT!!!
如果我寄給你一些關於Dog Trick續集的瘋狂想法, 可以嗎?



科恩兄弟其實很適合Alexander Skarsgård, 但我不太確定想看到Alex出現在The big Lebowski一類的片中, 記得去年春天Alex在拍片時接受記者訪問, 他手中正拿著一本No Country for Old Man險路勿近的原著小說.

其實之前關於Alex喜愛的音樂電影或小說的敘述, 都是很多年以前的事了. 前陣子有人問他是否需要更新一下這些資料....

Alex回答, 還是喜歡Eddie Izzard, 電影Duck soup, 關於音樂.....

"I’d much rather be a rock star than an actor. My favourites are Van Morrison and The Clash. Because I’m Swedish, people think I must like ABBA, but they were always much bigger in the rest of the world than they ever were in Sweden."


mrspresley 提到...


午夜 提到...

如果是險路勿近那種, 應該可以期待吧?


a. 歡迎留言, 請尊重版大規定.
b. 不恰當言論發表會被觀察, 版大保留刪除權力
c. 點這看如何貼超連結