True Blood 第3季綜合消息

首先是影迷的年度大事, 2010 Comic Con將於July 22 -25於美國San Diego舉行, 門票早就賣光啦~ 如果有人要趕去美國看Alexander Skarsgård...是的! 今年True Blood Cast會再次出席Comic Con!

The big bang theory中常提到Comic Con, 這個活動真的很紅, 而且許多明星都會出席打片. 如果有"癡情"的台灣影迷要前往Comic con, 就算你不是True Blood迷也沒有關係, 拜託多拍幾張照片, 與大家分享~

插播另外一段消息是來自網路, Comic Con的姊妹活動Wonder Con, 將於明天起, April 2 - 4美國舊金山舉行. 今年最注目的續集電影Iron Man 2也會參加.

美國影迷真的很幸福, 只要努力擠進這些活動, 不必出國就有機會看到大明星.

Alexander Skarsgard was named one of Sweden’s most handsome men several times. However, to the legion of “True Blood” fans, especially the ladies, it’s not a surprise he beat out so many actors in Sweden and in Europe to make it in Hollywood. Alex is on a show that is known for handsome men who can act, but this guy manages to outshine in many scenes just by standing on the set. With “True Blood” being one of the most popular shows on cable television, his fans are growing by millions each season. Whenever Skarsgard is in town, he can be seen being very polite, giving big tips at many Hollywood hot spots and obliging his fans with an autograph and an occasional photograph. This man knows how to be a star; he knows his craft as an actor and women know he’s truly a hunk.
SOURCE via skarskardnews

現在我能想到的, 是拜託亞洲HBO, 快去錄True Blood Cast的Season 3 hello影片, 你知道的, 就是那種...." Hello Taiwan, My name is Alexander Skarsgård. Stay tune at HBO~" 這類的影片.


PHOTO: True Blood at 2009 San Diego Comic Con


Julia 提到...


午夜 提到...

Con是Convention, 日本有個字叫控, 在這是同樣的用法...

gk戲迷 提到...

每次看到comic com這類的新聞,我都很疑惑為什麼有那麼多大明星會到漫畫展場,不好意思,我對動漫展的印象一直停留在很日式的那種,就是漫畫家才是重點的,美日大不同吧


午夜 提到...

那是因為美國的comic con規模很大, 早已不是台日那種動漫展的規模了
五大電影公司的電影都會在那設攤位, 辦記者會, 還有影迷見面會等, 現場也會有許多大規模的佈置等等, 像是之前ID4, Star trek, Iron Man, Twilight, 魔戒等等都有參加.

gk戲迷 提到...


午夜 提到...

真的耶~ "好可愛", 我還以為是合成圖哩~


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