True Blood Season 2: Episode 8 Sneak Peek

True Blood Season 2 Episode 8: Timebomb

HBO公佈了兩個新的Season 2 Episode 8 Sneak Peek影片
其中一個是關於Eric (Alexander Skarsgård飾演) 與Sookie (Anna Paquin飾演) 討論Godric/Eric的對話

Episode 7結尾, 當Barry the Bellboy隔著門告訴Lorena與Bill, Sookie與Godric被關在The Fellowship of the Sun教堂的地下室時, 我們知道隔壁房間的Eric立即衝出門外, 因為他聽到了主人Godric的呼喚.

這段新的預告中, The fellowship of the sun正在號召信徒一起對抗吸血鬼, 見證與吸血鬼的大戰, Eric帶著Sookie逃到門邊, 觀察著正準備離去......

" I can help you out in seconds."

" There're kids out there!"

" None of those humans would have been twice about hurting us. "

" Why didn't you bring Bill with you? "

" His attachment to you is irrational. It clouds his judgement. He will kill every child in this church to save you. "

" Why aren't you?"

" I'm following Godric's order to get you out. That's all. "

" He's your maker, isn't he? "

" Don't use words you don't understand."

" You have a lot of love for him."

" Don't use words I don't understand."

哈哈哈, Alex, you rock! 看看Alex說最後一句話的眼神! 這場戲中Alex的聲音低沈有磁性, 冷血中流露情感, Sookie問到maker時, 語調柔軟許多. 有些影迷覺得Eric/Sookie之間沒有chemistry, 但我覺得每次Alex與Anna的對手戲, 都可以激發出演技, 很有趣. 畢竟...Everyone is stealing this show from anna/stephen...

在Club Dead中Eric說過, " I don't like having feelings..." It confuses him! Episode 8與9中Eric的戲份將會加重!

大畫面You Tube影片在此



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